(1). create table dummy(dummyid int identity(1,1) primary key,dummyname varchar(30))
After that make a relationship with foreign key to the child table
(2) create table papers(paperid int identity(1,1) primary key, papername varchar(50),
fk_dummyid int foreign key references dummy(dummyid) on delete cascade)
After creating these two table fill some record in these two tables
insert into dummy(dummyname)values('Rajesh')
insert into dummy(dummyname)values('Ankita')
insert into papers(papername,fk_dummyID)values('english',1)
insert into papers(papername,fk_dummyID)values('Hindi',2)
Now delete the record from dummy table and notice that the child record from papers table will automatically deleted