Q.A Write down the Programs in PYTHON :-

Q.1 Write a menu driven Python program based on table-HOSPITAL

No. Name Age Department Date of Admission Charges Sex
1 Sandeep 54 Surgery 23/07/1991 400 M
2 Ravina 24 Orthopedic 20/01/1998 200 F
3 Arvind 45 Orthopedic 23/12/1997 200 M
4 Taruna 12 Surgery 01/01/1998 300 F
5 Gurpreet 36 ENT 12/01/1998 250 M
6 Ketaki 26 ENT 12/02/1998 300 F
7 Seema 29 Cardiology 20/02/1998 800 F
8 Sonam 45 Gyneocology 22/02/1998 400 F
9 Ravindra 29 Cardiology 13/01/1997 800 M
3 Shaily 31 Medicine 19/02/1997 400 F

Q.A Write down the SQL Queries of the following :-

  • Display all the records whose sex is Male

    select * from HOSPITAL where sex = 'M';

    Display all the records whose Department is orthopedic

    select * from HOSPITAL where Department = 'Orthopedic';

    Display all the records where charges are greater than and equal to Rs.400

    select * from HOSPITAL where charges >= 400;

    Find the Max(),Min(),Sum(),Avg() and count() for column charges

    select MAX(charges) from HOSPITAL;
    select MIN(charges) from HOSPITAL;
    select AVG(charges) from HOSPITAL;
    select count(charges) from HOSPITAL;

    Write a sql query to show the charges in descending order

    select * from HOSPITAL order by charges desc;

    select name, charges and Department from the table using group by department

    select name,charges,department from hospital group by department;

    Write a SQL query to show name,age,Date of Admission whose name start with letter 'S'

    select name,age,doa from hospital where name like 's%';

    Write a SQL query to update the record of 'Taruna' to 'Taruna Jain' and Age is 24

    update hospital set name='Taruna sharma',age = 24 where no = 4;

    Write a SQL query to delete the record of 'Ketaki'

    delete from hospital where name = 'Ketaki';

Q.2 Write a menu driven Python program based on table-Employee

EmpNo EName Job Hiredate Salary DeptNo
7369 Aaradhya Manager 17/12/2000 12000 5
7499 Atul Clerk 20/02/2001 6000 10
7521 Sunil Salesman 20/02/2001 8000 5
7566 Rajesh Clerk 02/04/2001 6500 15
7564 Gurpreet Manager 28/09/2001 1150 10
7598 Nand lal Salesman 01/05/2001 8900 15
7782 Aakash Salesman 09/12/2002 9200 10
7839 Ravindra Manager 17/11/2001 13000 NULL
7876 Mithlesh Clerk 03/12/2001 7000 15
7900 Aamir Salesman 23/01/2002 8900 15

Q.Write down the SQL Queries of the following :-

  • List the name of the employee whose empno are 7369, 7521,7698,7782

    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7369;
    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7521;
    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7698;
    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7782;

    List the employee names whose name is having 'a' as second character.

    SELECT * FROM employee WHERE ename LIKE '_a%';

    List the employee names whose name contains 'es' anywhere in the string

    SELECT Ename FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE Ename like '%es%';

    List the employee whose with job using DISTINCT clause

    SELECT DISTINCT job from employee;

    List the employee whose salary is 8900 and deptno is 15

    SELECT * from employee where salary = 8900 and deptno = 15;

    List the employee whose salary is greater than 6000 and salary is less than 10000

    select * from employee where salary >= 6000 and salary < 10000 ;

    List the employee whose Empno is 7564 or 7522 or 7611

    select * from employee where empno = 7564 OR empno =7522 OR empno = 7611;

    List the employee whose deptno is NULL

    SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE deptno = 'D01' is Null;

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