Q.A Write down the Programs in PYTHON :-

Q.1 Write a menu driven Python program based on table-HOSPITAL

No. Name Age Department Date of Admission Charges Sex
1 Sandeep 54 Surgery 23/07/1991 400 M
2 Ravina 24 Orthopedic 20/01/1998 200 F
3 Arvind 45 Orthopedic 23/12/1997 200 M
4 Taruna 12 Surgery 01/01/1998 300 F
5 Gurpreet 36 ENT 12/01/1998 250 M
6 Ketaki 26 ENT 12/02/1998 300 F
7 Seema 29 Cardiology 20/02/1998 800 F
8 Sonam 45 Gyneocology 22/02/1998 400 F
9 Ravindra 29 Cardiology 13/01/1997 800 M
3 Shaily 31 Medicine 19/02/1997 400 F

Q.A Write down the SQL Queries of the following :-

  • Display all the records whose sex is Male

    select * from HOSPITAL where sex = 'M';

    Display all the records whose Department is orthopedic

    select * from HOSPITAL where Department = 'Orthopedic';

    Display all the records where charges are greater than and equal to Rs.400

    select * from HOSPITAL where charges >= 400;

    Find the Max(),Min(),Sum(),Avg() and count() for column charges

    select MAX(charges) from HOSPITAL;
    select MIN(charges) from HOSPITAL;
    select AVG(charges) from HOSPITAL;
    select count(charges) from HOSPITAL;

    Write a sql query to show the charges in descending order

    select * from HOSPITAL order by charges desc;

    select name, charges and Department from the table using group by department

    select name,charges,department from hospital group by department;

    Write a SQL query to show name,age,Date of Admission whose name start with letter 'S'

    select name,age,doa from hospital where name like 's%';

    Write a SQL query to update the record of 'Taruna' to 'Taruna Jain' and Age is 24

    update hospital set name='Taruna sharma',age = 24 where no = 4;

    Write a SQL query to delete the record of 'Ketaki'

    delete from hospital where name = 'Ketaki';

Q.2 Write a menu driven Python program based on table-Employee

EmpNo EName Job Hiredate Salary DeptNo
7369 Aaradhya Manager 17/12/2000 12000 5
7499 Atul Clerk 20/02/2001 6000 10
7521 Sunil Salesman 20/02/2001 8000 5
7566 Rajesh Clerk 02/04/2001 6500 15
7564 Gurpreet Manager 28/09/2001 1150 10
7598 Nand lal Salesman 01/05/2001 8900 15
7782 Aakash Salesman 09/12/2002 9200 10
7839 Ravindra Manager 17/11/2001 13000 NULL
7876 Mithlesh Clerk 03/12/2001 7000 15
7900 Aamir Salesman 23/01/2002 8900 15

Q.Write down the SQL Queries of the following :-

  • List the name of the employee whose empno are 7369, 7521,7698,7782

    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7369;
    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7521;
    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7698;
    SELECT * from employee where empno = 7782;

    List the employee names whose name is having 'a' as second character.

    SELECT * FROM employee WHERE ename LIKE '_a%';

    List the employee names whose name contains 'es' anywhere in the string

    SELECT Ename FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE Ename like '%es%';

    List the employee whose with job using DISTINCT clause

    SELECT DISTINCT job from employee;

    List the employee whose salary is 8900 and deptno is 15

    SELECT * from employee where salary = 8900 and deptno = 15;

    List the employee whose salary is greater than 6000 and salary is less than 10000

    select * from employee where salary >= 6000 and salary < 10000 ;

    List the employee whose Empno is 7564 or 7522 or 7611

    select * from employee where empno = 7564 OR empno =7522 OR empno = 7611;

    List the employee whose deptno is NULL

    SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE deptno = 'D01' is Null;

Q.3 Write a menu driven Python program based on table-Empsalary

Table - Employees
empid firstname lastname address city
010 harish sharma ibm colony Udaipur
106 vijay gaur shastrinagar ajmer
163 ravindra dadhich vaishalinagar Jaipur
215 gurpreet singh naisarak ganganagar
244 arvind sharma namstey chowk jodhpur
670 ahemad khan check point Mumbai
555 vandna thompson cnt. Road delhi
460 pawan winy lalchand marg alwar
440 peter same near charch kota

Table - Empsalary
Empid salary benefits designation
010 7500 12000 manager
106 6000 10000 manager
163 3700 25000 director
215 5000 12300 manager
244 5500 11000 clerk
670 4000 3000 clerk
555 2000 10000 clerk
460 3200 7500 salesman
440 2800 12800 salesman

Q.Write down the SQL Queries of the following :-

  • To display firstname, lastname ,address and city of all employee living kota

    SELECT firstname,lastname,address,city from employee where city = 'kota';

    Display firstname, address,city,benefits

    select firstname,address,city,benefits from employees, empsalary WHERE employees.empid = empsalary.empid;

    Display firstname, address,city,benefits where Empid = 555

    select firstname,address,city,benefits from employees JOIN empsalary ON employees.empid = empsalary.empid WHERE employees.empid = 555;

    Display firstname, Sum of (salary + benefits) where Empid = 215

    select firstname,(salary+benefits) as 'Total' from employees JOIN empsalary ON employees.empid = empsalary.empid WHERE employees.empid = 215;

    Count number of people who have designation manager

    select count(*) from empsalary where designation = 'manager';

    select records from table empsalary using group by clause

    SELECT * from empsalary GROUP by designation;

    Count Number of records according to the designation

    SELECT designation,count(*) as 'Designation' from empsalary GROUP by designation;

    Show the Increased salary by 5 percent for all the members those who have clerk

    SELECT salary,((salary*5)/100) as 'Increment salary' from empsalary where designation = 'clerk';

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