No. | Name | Age | Department | Date of Admission | Charges | Sex |
1 | Sandeep | 54 | Surgery | 23/07/1991 | 400 | M |
2 | Ravina | 24 | Orthopedic | 20/01/1998 | 200 | F |
3 | Arvind | 45 | Orthopedic | 23/12/1997 | 200 | M |
4 | Taruna | 12 | Surgery | 01/01/1998 | 300 | F |
5 | Gurpreet | 36 | ENT | 12/01/1998 | 250 | M |
6 | Ketaki | 26 | ENT | 12/02/1998 | 300 | F |
7 | Seema | 29 | Cardiology | 20/02/1998 | 800 | F |
8 | Sonam | 45 | Gyneocology | 22/02/1998 | 400 | F |
9 | Ravindra | 29 | Cardiology | 13/01/1997 | 800 | M |
3 | Shaily | 31 | Medicine | 19/02/1997 | 400 | F |
Display all the records whose sex is Male
Display all the records whose Department is orthopedic
Display all the records where charges are greater than and equal to Rs.400
Find the Max(),Min(),Sum(),Avg() and count() for column charges
Write a sql query to show the charges in descending order
select name, charges and Department from the table using group by department
Write a SQL query to show name,age,Date of Admission whose name start with letter 'S'
Write a SQL query to update the record of 'Taruna' to 'Taruna Jain' and Age is 24
Write a SQL query to delete the record of 'Ketaki'
EmpNo | EName | Job | Hiredate | Salary | DeptNo |
7369 | Aaradhya | Manager | 17/12/2000 | 12000 | 5 |
7499 | Atul | Clerk | 20/02/2001 | 6000 | 10 |
7521 | Sunil | Salesman | 20/02/2001 | 8000 | 5 |
7566 | Rajesh | Clerk | 02/04/2001 | 6500 | 15 |
7564 | Gurpreet | Manager | 28/09/2001 | 1150 | 10 |
7598 | Nand lal | Salesman | 01/05/2001 | 8900 | 15 |
7782 | Aakash | Salesman | 09/12/2002 | 9200 | 10 |
7839 | Ravindra | Manager | 17/11/2001 | 13000 | NULL |
7876 | Mithlesh | Clerk | 03/12/2001 | 7000 | 15 |
7900 | Aamir | Salesman | 23/01/2002 | 8900 | 15 |
List the name of the employee whose empno are 7369, 7521,7698,7782
SELECT * from employee where empno = 7369; or SELECT * from employee where empno = 7521; or SELECT * from employee where empno = 7698; or SELECT * from employee where empno = 7782;
List the employee names whose name is having 'a' as second character.
List the employee names whose name contains 'es' anywhere in the string
List the employee whose with job using DISTINCT clause
List the employee whose salary is 8900 and deptno is 15
List the employee whose salary is greater than 6000 and salary is less than 10000
List the employee whose Empno is 7564 or 7522 or 7611
List the employee whose deptno is NULL
empid | firstname | lastname | address | city |
010 | harish | sharma | ibm colony | Udaipur |
106 | vijay | gaur | shastrinagar | ajmer |
163 | ravindra | dadhich | vaishalinagar | Jaipur |
215 | gurpreet | singh | naisarak | ganganagar |
244 | arvind | sharma | namstey chowk | jodhpur |
670 | ahemad | khan | check point | Mumbai |
555 | vandna | thompson | cnt. Road | delhi |
460 | pawan | winy | lalchand marg | alwar |
440 | peter | same | near charch | kota |
Empid | salary | benefits | designation |
010 | 7500 | 12000 | manager |
106 | 6000 | 10000 | manager |
163 | 3700 | 25000 | director |
215 | 5000 | 12300 | manager |
244 | 5500 | 11000 | clerk |
670 | 4000 | 3000 | clerk |
555 | 2000 | 10000 | clerk |
460 | 3200 | 7500 | salesman |
440 | 2800 | 12800 | salesman |
To display firstname, lastname ,address and city of all employee living kota
SELECT firstname,lastname,address,city from employee where city = 'kota';
Display firstname, address,city,benefits
select firstname,address,city,benefits from employees, empsalary WHERE employees.empid = empsalary.empid;
Display firstname, address,city,benefits where Empid = 555
select firstname,address,city,benefits from employees JOIN empsalary ON employees.empid = empsalary.empid WHERE employees.empid = 555;
Display firstname, Sum of (salary + benefits) where Empid = 215
select firstname,(salary+benefits) as 'Total' from employees JOIN empsalary ON employees.empid = empsalary.empid WHERE employees.empid = 215;
Count number of people who have designation manager
select count(*) from empsalary where designation = 'manager';
select records from table empsalary using group by clause
SELECT * from empsalary GROUP by designation;
Count Number of records according to the designation
SELECT designation,count(*) as 'Designation' from empsalary GROUP by designation;
Show the Increased salary by 5 percent for all the members those who have clerk
SELECT salary,((salary*5)/100) as 'Increment salary' from empsalary where designation = 'clerk';
Q.A Write down the Programs in PYTHON :-
Write a PYTHON program to take input for a number and print it table ?
Write a PYTHON program to take input for a number and print its factorial using Recursion ?
Write a PYTHON program to take input for 3 number check and print the largest number ?
Write a recursive Python program to test if a STRING is palindrome or not ?
Read a file line by line and print it in(Python) ?
Write a program to count total number of character,total number of alphabet,total number of digits,total number of special character?
Write a menu driven Python program to implement a stack having names of student