Q.1 A programmer is required to develop a student record. The school offers two different streams, medical and non-medical with different grading criteria. The following is the data entry screen used to calculate percentage and grade

First Term Marks
Second Term Marks
Stream : MedicalNon-Medical
Percentage :
Grade :
(1) Write the code to disable the txtPercentage and the txtGrade text fields.
(2) Write the code for the cmdClear button to clear all the tex fields.
(3) Write the code for the cmdCalcPerc button to calculate the percentage to display in text filed txtPercentage,after finding the total marks of first term and second term(assuming that both marks are out of 100)
(4) Write the code for the cmdCalcGrade button to calculate the grade to display in text fled txtGrade, depending on the stream selected according to the criteria in the following table.
Medical> = 80A
60 - 80B
< 60C
Non Medical> = 75A
50 - 75B
< 50C

Q.2 Mr.Mittal is working in a multi national company. His family members visit a shopping mall and purchased variety of products including garments. The total amount goes into some thousands. The owner of the shopping mall provides handsome discounts of credit cards as:-

Shopping Account :
Cart Type
Standard Charted City Bank SBI
Discount Amount :
Net Amount :
(1) Write the command for Discount button to compute discount amount and net amount.
(2) Write the code for cmdClear command button to clear all the text boxes and set the default choice in the radio button as SBI.
(3) Write the code for Exit button to close the application.
Card TypeDiscount
Standard Chartered8.5%
City Bank11.5%

Q3.Hotel Hill Top in Ooty plan to go for computerization in order to meet the workload during tourist session. There are three types of rooms in Hill Top

Customer name :
No of days :
Rate :
Cost of Facilities :
Amount :
Cart Type Single Double Delux
Facilities Tour Package GYM Laundry
(1)Write the code to disable the text boxes txtRate,txtAmount, txtFacility when the form activated.
(2) Write the code for cmdClear command button to clear all the text boxes.
(3) Write the code for cmdRate to calculate rate of the room per day and display it in txtRate depending on the type of room selected by the customer.rate is calculated according to the following table.
(4)Write the code from cmdAmount to calculate the total amount and display it in txtAmount. The total amont is calcuated by first finding the cost of facilities selectd by the customer.Cost of facilites is calcuated according to the following table .
Tour Package7000

Q4.Glamour garments has developed a GUI application for their company as shown below The company accepts payments in 3 modes - cheque, cash and credit cards. The discount given as per mode of payment is as follows

Mode of paymentDiscount
Credit CardNil
Glamour Garments
Name of customer
Mode of payment
Net amount
if the bill amount is more than 15000 then the customer gets an additonal discount of 10% on Bill amount.
(1)Make discount and Net amount uneditable.
(2) Write codes for calculate Discount and calculate Net Amount Buttons.
(3) Write code to exit program when EXIT button is clicked.

Q5.Shallotte enterprise has computerize billing. The following data screen is used to generate bill

Unit price
Sub total
Delivery & Handling charges
Category of City A class
B class
C class
Company Employee
The criteria for calculation of delivery and handling charges is as given below:-
Category of cityCharges
A class3500
B class4000
C class4500
(1)Write the code to make the textfields txtSubTotal, txtTax, txt DelHanch and txtTotal non-editable and set the Category of city as follows
(2) Write codes for Following
1. Write the code for Calculate button to calculate and display Sub Total, Tax, Delivery and Handiling charges and Total depending on the category of the city.
   (a) Sub Total is calculated as Unit Price * Quantity.
   (b) Tax is calculated as 7.85% of Sub Total.
   (c) Total is calculated as the sum of Sub Total, Tax and Delivery and Handling Charges. If Company Employee check box is checked then tax should be 2.5%. .
(3) When clear button is clicked all the text boxes should be clear and close the application when Exit button is presed.
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